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Beiträge von Unicron

  1. I started up a session of single player B&W and at the load screen it gave me the tip that says if you get your creature to pick up rocks it will build their muscles. So after a little while I thought i'd try it out...cause who wouldn't want a ripped creature? So I had the learning leash on and I brought him over to a pile of rocks. I clicked once on one of the smaller rocks to focus his attention. But he didn't do anything. I tried several more times, but nothing. I could tell he was getting annoyed, but I kept on trying. Then all of the sudden he pooed all over the rocks (several times)! So I punished him....heftily. Then I tried to get him to pick up a rock again. And he did! But, then he started running with it. I followed him as he ran towards the ocean. Once he got there he threw the rock into the ocean and then flipped me off. So (don't ask me why) I rewarded him. So my creature ran back to the pile of rocks that he had crapped all over and picked up some of his poop. Then he ran back to the ocean, threw the poop in the ocean and waved happily to me. I laughed very hard after seeing this. I love Black and White

    Komiches Spiel ist das


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