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Beiträge von ittab88

  1. Hallo Dear Group members,

    I am a new aspirant in IT sector just have a few questions in mind so that's  why i am posting here,looking forward to positive Feedbacks and suggestions.

    I will try to make the question short and clear, accept my apologies  for my post as it is in English because i still have to work on my German skills as they are in Niveau A1 so its the first thing i will be doing to achieve C1 in German language before going for an Ausbildung or something similar.

    I am 33 years old and i do not have any formal education or experience in IT. So these 3-4 years are really going to be important and i want to make something positive out of them and i hope things really work out.

    1-Is there any chance that i can grab an IT Ausbildung at such an age? or i will have to do an Umschulung? My preference is to stay in NRW.

    2-I really like the Fachinformatiker Ausbildung pathway but confused which Spezialisation is really worth it SI or AE? Which one has better career prospects and job stability and career growth?

    3-What are the relevant courses or certification i can do or finance(with minimum cost) on my own that can help me in my quest? Even if System Integration/administration is a natural choice(i am afraid if i can do coding or will be able to do it). Because i need one year for German proficiency(language school) and than 2/3 yrs for an Ausbildung pathway.

    Best Regards.




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