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  1. ...👇 okay, habe den MariaDB Connector/C++ installiert🙃 To install MariaDB Connector/C++ on Windows: MariaDB Connector/C dependency will be installed when Connector/C++ is installed. Go to the MariaDB Connector C++ download page for MS Windows. Click the "Download" button to download the MSI package. Run the MSI package and click "Next" to start the Setup Wizard. On the second screen, click the license agreement checkbox, then click "Next." On the third screen, click "Typical." On the fourth screen, click "Install." Click "Finish." Add the directory path that contains the mariadbcpp LIB file (example "C:\Program Files\MariaDB\MariaDB C++ Connector 64-bit") to PATH environment variable. (Anleitung von MariaDB) https://mariadb.com/docs/xpand/connect/programming-languages/cpp/install/ Frage1: ... beim letzten Punkt, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe zu den Umbgebungsvariablen hinzufügen... wie soll der Variable Name sein? Tools->Optionen->IDE->Umgebungsvariablen->...Neu-> ... zu meiner Frage 2: (Anleitung von MariaDB) https://mariadb.com/docs/xpand/connect/programming-languages/cpp/development/ conncpp.hpp einbinden🙄 hatte es mit #include <conncpp.hpp> probiert... Ergebnis [bcc64 Warnung] SQLString.hpp(83): 'dllimport' attribute ignored on inline function [bcc64 Warnung] SQLString.hpp(84): 'dllimport' attribute ignored on inline function [bcc64 Fataler Fehler] Connection.hpp(26): 'Properties.hpp' file not found 🤔kann mir bitte jemand helfen😕

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