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Alle Inhalte von yeo

  1. Hello! I will write this in english considering it's easier to put my thoughts into it instead of german. I am currently unemployed, having worked around 2 years in a small IT firm with (VERY) basic programming tasks. I am not german, I have been here in DE since 4 years ago, and my bachelors, Industrial Engineering, is something I struggle finding a job here without any relevant experience in that area (it's not like I am super motivated with my bachelors either). My german is level b2. I am 29 years old, married, and would like to get a degree as soon as possible that will land me a job for me to start a family. Therefore, I want to ask Arbeitsamt for an Umschulung in Fachinformatiker in Systemintegration. I have an easy time troubleshooting computers and if not, I can always find a tutorial. Always enjoyed working on a computer, but I also want to help people and also have a more social interaction at a workplace. But before I request an Umschulung, I have been researching and I have some questions hope you can help me with. It's a common opinion that an Umschulung is terrible, duales studium is what people in my situation recommend the most, however Umschulung with Arbeitsamt seems the most viable option in my situation. With that being said, is it really that bad? Umschulung centers are bad, like all of them according to reviews. There seems to be a lot of learning on your own in these 2 years. If I struggle with learning on my own, should I just ditch the idea? My german is between B1-B2, would that make things harder? I read somewhere however that english is what you need the most during these 2 years. What are the best centers to get an Umschulung in the Munich area? What would you recommend in my position instead? Maybe I have overlooked something. Thank you for taking your time to read, and I hope you all have a good day.

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