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  1. Na wer hätte das gedacht, was ein kleiner "Call Screen 200." ausmacht
  2. Danke für die Antwort, doch wenn ich das * wegnehme, erhalte ich eine Fehlermeldung: Feld "IT_FIELDCATALOG" unbekannt. Es existiert aber ein Feld mit dem ähnlichen Namen "LT_FIELDCAT" Zudem habe ich den Code 1:1 aus dem anderen Programm kopiert und dort funktioniert die ALV-Ausgabe. Also platziere ich ja irgendetwas falsch oder?
  3. Guten Morgen, ich hab ein Problem in einem SAP ABAP Programm, ich habe 2 mal ein Programm geschrieben: 1 mal mit Dynamischer Selektion und 1 mal mit einer ALV Ausgabe - Problem: Ich bin vermutlich zu doof für Copy & Paste! Kann jemand da bitte drüber schauen und mir sagen, warum er mir keine ALV Ausgabe bietet und mir erklären, was ich falsch mache? *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report Z_BC_AUTH *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&Infosystem zur Abfrage von: *& 1. Transaktionen -> Welche Rollen behinhalten die ausgewählte Transaktion *& 2. Rollen -> Welche Transaktionen können mit der ausgewählten Rolle aufgerufen werden *& 3. Benutzer -> Welche Rollen haben ausgewählte Benutzer *& Ausagbe: ALV-Liste *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* report z_bc_auth. tables: sscrfields, agr_tcodes, agr_texts. data: lttstct type table of tstct, wa_tstct type tstct. data: ltrole_owner type table of /realtime/apmc23-role_owner, ltagr_texts type table of agr_texts. types: begin of ls_roles, agr_name type agr_name, text type agr_title, role_owner type /realtime/apm_owner, end of ls_roles. types: begin of ls_tcode, tcode type agxreport, ttext type ttext_stct, end of ls_tcode. data: wa_agr_tcodes type agr_tcodes, lt_agr_tcodes type table of agr_tcodes. data: wa_tcode type ls_tcode, lt_tcode type table of ls_tcode. data: wa_roles type zsd_roles, lt_roles type table of zsd_roles. data: lv_counter1 type flag, lv_counter2 type flag, lv_counter3 type flag. data: ok_code like sy-ucomm, * allgemeiner Container für die Darstellung (Custom Controls) g_custom_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container, * Containername im Dynpro (Custom Controls) g_container type scrfname value 'LT_ROLES', * Klasse mit allen Methoden und Attributen für die ALV-Grid Darstellung grid1 type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid, * Layoutvariante, welche vorgegeben werden kann lv_variant type disvariant. selection-screen begin of screen 100 as subscreen. parameters: rb_tcode radiobutton group a1 user-command uc2 default 'X', rb_role radiobutton group a1, rb_user radiobutton group a1. selection-screen skip. parameters: p_tcode type agr_tcodes-tcode modif id uc1. parameters: p_role type agr_tcodes-agr_name default 'Z:*' modif id uc1. parameters: p_user type sy-uname default sy-uname matchcode object kw_f4_username modif id uc1. selection-screen end of screen 100. selection-screen begin of tabbed block block1 for 6 lines. selection-screen tab (30) tab1 user-command '' default screen 100. selection-screen end of block block1. initialization. tab1 = 'Auswahl über'. at selection-screen output. loop at screen. * Radiobutton rb_tcode if screen-group1 = 'UC1'. if rb_tcode eq 'X' and ( screen-name = 'P_TCODE' or screen-name = '%_P_TCODE_%_APP_%-TEXT' ). screen-active = 1. screen-invisible = 0. modify screen. * Radiobutton rb_tcode elseif rb_tcode ne 'X' and ( screen-name = 'P_TCODE' or screen-name = '%_P_TCODE_%_APP_%-TEXT' ). screen-active = 0. screen-invisible = 1. modify screen. endif. * Radiobutton rb_role if rb_role eq 'X' and ( screen-name = 'P_ROLE' or screen-name = '%_P_ROLE_%_APP_%-TEXT' ). screen-active = 1. screen-invisible = 0. modify screen. * Radiobutton rb_role elseif rb_role ne 'X' and ( screen-name = 'P_ROLE' or screen-name = '%_P_ROLE_%_APP_%-TEXT' ). screen-active = 0. screen-invisible = 1. modify screen. endif. * Radiobutton rb_user if rb_user eq 'X' and ( screen-name = 'P_USER' or screen-name = '%_P_USER_%_APP_%-TEXT' ). screen-active = 1. screen-invisible = 0. modify screen. * Radiobutton rb_user elseif rb_user ne 'X' and ( screen-name = 'P_USER' or screen-name = '%_P_USER_%_APP_%-TEXT' ). screen-active = 0. screen-invisible = 1. modify screen. endif. endif. endloop. start-of-selection. if rb_tcode = 'X'. perform read_roles. *Lesen aller Rollen, welche den abgefragten TCode beinhalten. elseif rb_role = 'X'. perform read_tcode. *Lesen aller Tcodes, welche in der abgefragten Rolle enthalten sind. elseif rb_user = 'X'. perform read_user. *Lesen aller Rollen, welche dem abgefragten User zugeordnet sind. endif. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form read_roles *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Lesen aller Rollen, welche den abgefragten TCode beinhalten *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form read_roles. data: wa_activity_groups type agr_tcodes, lt_activity_groups type table of agr_tcodes. call function 'PRGN_READ_ACTIVITY_GR_TCODE' exporting tcode = p_tcode tables activity_groups = lt_activity_groups exceptions no_activity_groups_available = 1 others = 2. loop at lt_activity_groups into wa_activity_groups. if wa_activity_groups-agr_name cs 'Z:'. if lv_counter1 is initial. write: / 'Rollenname', 32 'Rollenbezeichnung', 113 'Rolleneigentümer'. lv_counter1 = 'X'. endif. wa_roles-agr_name = wa_activity_groups-agr_name. select single role_owner from /realtime/apmc23 into wa_roles-role_owner where agr_name = wa_roles-agr_name. select single text from agr_texts into wa_roles-text where agr_name = wa_roles-agr_name and spras = 'D'. append wa_roles to lt_roles. *WRITE: / wa_roles-agr_name, wa_roles-text, wa_roles-role_owner. endif. endloop. endform. "read_roles *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* module process_before_output output. * optional für die Bereitstellung des Feldkatalogs data: lt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat, wa_fieldcat type line of lvc_t_fcat. if g_custom_container is initial. create object g_custom_container exporting container_name = g_container. create object grid1 exporting i_parent = g_custom_container. perform fieldcat. call method grid1->set_table_for_first_display exporting i_structure_name = 'ZSD_ROLES' i_save = 'A' * is_variant = lv_variant changing it_outtab = lt_roles. *optionaler Aufbau des Feldkatalogs der Tabelle, wenn keine Struktur vorhanden. * it_fieldcatalog = lt_fieldcat. endif. endmodule. " PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FIELDCAT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form fieldcat . wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'AGR_NAME'. wa_fieldcat-ref_table = 'ZSD_ROLES'. wa_fieldcat-just = 'L'. append wa_fieldcat to lt_fieldcat. wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'TEXT'. wa_fieldcat-ref_table = 'ZSD_ROLES'. wa_fieldcat-just = 'L'. append wa_fieldcat to lt_fieldcat. wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ROLE_OWNER'. wa_fieldcat-ref_table = 'ZSD_ROLES'. wa_fieldcat-just = 'C'. append wa_fieldcat to lt_fieldcat. endform. " FIELDCAT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module PROCESS_AFTER_INPUT INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* module process_after_input input. case ok_code. when 'EXIT'. leave program. when 'BACK'. leave to screen 0. when others. leave program. endcase. clear ok_code. endmodule. " PROCESS_AFTER_INPUT INPUT[/PHP]

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