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Alle Inhalte von manya92

  1. Sorry, I wish this is my level of knowledge, but with a little help of friend, we wrote it. Hey, that sounds really amazing and for me unbelievable. You mean like studying German language and working in some company as a apprentice ?
  2. Ja, das war es, was ich suchte. Ich selbst glaube auch, dass du Zertifikate brauchst. Ich besitze ein Zertifikat in der Entwicklung von PHP / MySQL-Webanwendungen von der Universität Belgrad. Ich schätze die zeit, die du verbringst, dies zu schreiben, das hat mir sehr geholfen. Wünsche mir glück beim Deutschlernen. Es ist keine arroganz, es ist normal, deine sprache und identität zu behalten.
  3. Hello everyone, sorry for not writing in your language, but it is better like this. I would be happy if you could. I'm from Belgrade, Serbia, 24 years old, I have been 5 years experience in graphic industry-finishing printed products, assembling car foils etc..In past years I have been interested in programming, mostly backend, PHP with mySQL and Laravel framework , So little of Wordpress. Of course, you should have some knowledge of HTML and CSS I do not have a university degree. I work mostly with my friend, Google. So, I'm asking, which is the best way to get a job as a junior in Germany? I saw some job ads, for junior php developer, And I have received a couple of answers, with questions in it, on I EU citizen. So, it's a good job. Yes, I will continue with my resume, but I need some advice about it, is there some apprenticeships for less money? Thank you for your interest in posting answers

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