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Beiträge von Lykanox_

  1. Hello every one, 

    it has been a while but here i wanted to post my latest updates about this subject... Some days ago i wrote an Email to the IHK asking for any help about the use of a dictionary during the Exams. I will let the Email i wrote and the response i got bellow:

    My Email:

    wie ich telefonisch mit Ihrer Vertreterin besprochen habe, bitte ich darum, in meiner Abschlussprüfung ein Wörterbuch Spanisch/Deutsch oder Englisch/Deutsch verwenden zu dürfen. Mein Deutsch ist leider nicht so gut und deswegen würde ich ein Wörterbuch brauchen.
    Ich würde auch gerne wissen ob es die Möglichkeit gibt die Abschlussprüfungen zu übersetzen? (wenn ich dafür selber bezahlen müsste, wäre für mich kein Problem)
    Gibt es noch andere Möglichkeiten für Nicht-Muttersprachler?
    Mein Lehrer der Schule G18 (itech-bs14) gabt mir die Information, dass ich als Nicht-Muttersprachler mit weniger als 5 Jahren aufenhalt in Deutschland ein Wörterbuch in der Prüfung nutzen darf und mehr Zeit für die Prüfung bekommen kann.
    The response i got:

    Sie dürfen bei Ihrer schriftlichen Abschlussprüfung ein Wörterbuch in Ihrer Muttersprache verwenden. 
    Dementsprechend wird Ihnen die Nutzung eines spanisch/deutschen Wörterbuchs genehmigt, ein englisch/deutsches Wörterbuch dürfen Sie nicht nutzen. 
    Das Wörterbuch zeigen Sie bitte vor Beginn der schriftlichen Prüfung am Prüfungsort Ihrer Blockaufsicht vor, es dürfen keine Markierungen, Post-Its, Querverweise oder Heftnotizen im Wörterbuch sein. 
    Ein Nachteilsausgleich mit einer Zeitverlängerung kann nicht gewährt werden, da ein Nachteilsausgleich für eine körperliche oder psychische Behinderung vorgesehen ist. 

    Die Prüfung wird für alle Prüflinge im Bundesland in der Amtssprache deutsch durchgeführt, eine Übersetzung ist nicht möglich.
    And this it's, we will see in the following days what will gonna happen, but i'm somehow confident that i might have a change to approve the Exams.
    Thanks to everybody for their advice and help in this matter, and good luck to the ones that must take the Exams next Wednesday. 
    Hasta la vista :D
  2. 1 hour ago, ignidrake said:

    Arbeitsamt don't cares at all. I got my ausbildung from AA with B1 level and noone said something :( Have by the way same question as you.

    Can't wait for your IHK answer.

    Well at least i don't feel alone in this :( , don't know if that's good. My supervisor also called them and told me that IHK was planning to make English tests, but they aren't sure if will be ready this year, i mean for us. Really lamentable :/, but you can ask them about in case you call the IHK.

    The answer they gave me is bellow for your interest:


    Lamentable the person in charge is in holidays, so i will have to wait one week!!! :(  but i could talk with and assistant. I will eventually call again next Monday and post again what they will tell me.

    Today they told me that's very likely i can use a dictionary, just i have to specify in which language. It seems that they will provide it to me.

    About the extra time is not possible in my case, extra time is just possible for handicaps.

    They also told me to write them an email with all my requirements and they might give me some options, i don't know which kind of options but i will write it around 19:00 today. 

    If anybody like to see the email i will send them, just ask me and i will post it here. 

  3. Thanks to all of you for your recommendations.I called the IHK and asked them about, they will give me an answer, I will post what they tell me later in case anybody need this information in future.


    On 3/23/2017 at 9:46 AM, ZeugwartJehovas said:

    What I am wondering: normally your grasp of the German language should have been checked before starting your apprenticeship - as you have to follow the lessons in the Berufsschule as well.

    This wasn't the case with me, I started the apprenticeship with the B2+ level in German, and my supervisor told me that would be a good idea to do the  apprenticeship in German, although my original plan was to do a Bilingual-apprenticeship where 50% of the apprenticeship is in English.

    Where I'm working there is another apprentice with B2 level in German, and he will start his apprenticeship this year, so i think nobody really check your German level, unless you take one of the Ausbildung that Arbeitsamt offers, there they ask you for at least a C1 language level, in German of course.


  4. Hello everybody,

    *Sorry to write in English, my German isn't that good and I feel more confident writing in English, I hope you can please help me.

    Here is my problem: This summer 2017 I have to take my final exams (Abschlussprüfungen), the thing is that my German isn't that good enough and I don't get the sense of some assignments (specially WISO and IT) because fachdeutsch:wacko:. I know that I'm not allowed to use my Cellphone to traduce some words and that make things harder for me :(. I am currently learning a lot from the past Exams, but it will not be enough.

    That's why I would like to know: 1 - Any of you were ever allowed to use an English dictionary during the Exams?,  2- Would somebody there, e.g.:a teacher/assistant, help me to understand some assignments?, 3 - It's any remote possibility to get the Exams in English?, 4 - Or at least that I can get some extra time to complete the Exam?

    I'm concerned about this, because I think i will fail any of the written Exams just because I don't understand some words, at least I'm confident about the Oral Exam. I would appreciate if you can help me with that information please.Thanks in advance :) 


    *By the way my mother tongue is Spanish. You can answer in German if you desire.

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