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Heinrich der IT-genie 78

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Hallo Gemeinde, kann jemand mir sagen ob diese quellcode funktioniert oder nicht! Wenn nicht können sie mir bitte dann helfen!?!?!


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <limits.h>

int main(int argc,char **argv){

int i, n;

int sample;

n = 1024;

sample = 256;

for (i=0; i<n; i++) {

printf("%lf \n",sin(2*M_PI*i/sample)+0.5*cos(6*M_PI*i/sample));


return 0;



Fast Fourier Transform ©


This little C-programme FOURIER-transforms the discrete (real) function given by n (which should be an integer power of 2!) data points on standard input to n records containing the real and imaginary part of the transform on standard output. The variables in FFT designate:

m: 2m: number of data points;

A: a (complex) vector of length at least 2m;

INV: INV=1 backward, otherwise forward FFT;


/***** fft *****/

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <math.h>

#define MX 13

#define NX 8192

typedef struct { double real, imag; } complex;

void FFT ( complex A[], int m, int INV ) {

/* This is a c-adaption by */

/* Bernard Metsch */

/* from the FORTRAN programme FFT */

/* from Paul. L. DeVries, Computerphysik, */

/* Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, */

/* Heidelberg 1994, */

/* which is in turn an adaption from */

/* a FORTRAN Code of the Cooley & Tukey method by: */

/* Cooley, Lewis and Welch, IEEE Transactions E-12 */

/* 1965 */

/* The array A contains the complex data to be transformed, */

/* `m' is log2(N), and INV is an index = 1 if the inverse */

/* transform is to be computed (The forward transform is */

/* evaluated if INV is not = 1). */

complex u, w, t;

double ang;

int N, Nd2, i, j, k, l, le, le1, ip;


/* This routine computes the Fast Fourier Transform of the */

/* input data and returns it in the same array. Note that */

/* the k's and x's are related in the following way: */

/* */

/* IF K = range of k's and X = range of x's */

/* */

/* THEN delta-k = 2 pi / X and delta-x = 2 pi / K */

/* */

/* When the transform is evaluated, it is assumed that the */

/* input data is periodic. The output is therefore periodic */

/* (you have no choice in this). Thus, the transform is */

/* periodic in k-space, with the first N/2 points being */

/* 'most significant'. The second N/2 points are the same */

/* as the Fourier transform at negative k!!! That is, */

/* */

/* FFT(N+1-i) = FFT(-i) ,i = 1,2,....,N/2 */

/* */

N = pow(2,m);

Nd2 = N/2;

j = 1;

for (i=1; i<N; i++) {

if (i<j) { t = A[j-1]; A[j-1] = A[i-1]; A[i-1] = t; }

k = Nd2;

while (k<j) {

j -= k;

k /= 2;


j += k;


le = 1;

for (l=1; l<=m; l++) {

le1 = le;

le += le;

u.real = 1.0; u.imag = 0.0;

ang = M_PI / le1;

w.real = cos(ang); w.imag = -sin(ang);

if (INV==1) w.imag = -w.imag;

for (j=1; j<=le1; j++) {

for (i=j; i<=N; i+=le) {

ip = i + le1;

t.real = A[ip-1].real * u.real

- A[ip-1].imag * u.imag;

t.imag = A[ip-1].real * u.imag

+ A[ip-1].imag * u.real;

A[ip-1].real = A[i-1].real - t.real;

A[ip-1].imag = A[i-1].imag - t.imag;

A[i -1].real = A[i-1].real + t.real;

A[i -1].imag = A[i-1].imag + t.imag;


t.real = u.real * w.real

- u.imag * w.imag;

t.imag = u.real * w.imag

+ u.imag * w.real;

u = t;



if (INV!=1) for (i=0; i<N; i++) {

A.real /= N;

A.imag /= N;


} /* end FFT */

int main(int argc,char **argv){

int i, j, k;

int n, m, n2;

complex F[NX];

double a;

n = 0;

while ( scanf("%lg",&a)!=EOF ) {

F[n].real = a;

F[n].imag = 0.0;


if (n==NX) {

printf("too many data points!\n");

return 0 ;



printf("# number of data points read: %d\n",n);

// determine m:

j = 1;

m = -1;

for (i=0; i<=MX; i++) {

if (j==n) {

m = i;


j *=2;


if (m==-1) {

printf("# number of data points not a power of 2 !!!\n");

return 0;

} else {

printf("# log_2(%d) = %d\n", n, m);


FFT ( F, m, 0 );

n2 = n / 2;

for (i=0; i<n; i++) {

printf("%lg %lg\n",F.real,F.imag);


return 0;

} /* main */

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