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SAN / NAS Referat (Informationsbeschaffung)


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Arbeitet ein SAN nun rein Blockbasiert oder ist auch ein dateibasierter austausch möglich?

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für ein Referat solltest man vllt. ein bisschen detailierter sein ...

According to the Storage Networking Industry Association dictionary (and who should know better?):

A storage area network (SAN) is any high-performance network whose primary purpose is to enable storage devices to communicate with computer systems and with each other.

We think that the most interesting things about this definition are what it doesn't say:

* It doesn't say that a SAN's only purpose is communication between computers and storage. Many organizations operate perfectly viable SANs that carry occasional administrative and other application traffic.

* It doesn't say that a SAN uses Fibre Channel or Ethernet or any other specific interconnect technology. A growing number of network technologies have architectural and physical properties that make them suitable for use in SANs.

* It doesn't say what kind of storage devices are interconnected. Disk and tape drives, RAID subsystems, robotic libraries, and file servers are all being used productively in SAN environments today. One of the exciting aspects of SAN technology is that it is encouraging the development of new kinds of storage devices that provide new benefits to users. Some of these will undoubtedly fail in the market, but those that succeed will make lasting improvements in the way digital information is stored and processed.

SNIA - Advancing storage and information technology ist dein Freund

Da ich nicht weiss, für wen dein Referat ist bzw. wie genau es sein muss - können Aussage wie z.B. "SAN arbeitet blockbasiert" durchaus ausreichend sein (ist bestimmt in 99% der Fälle richtig) oder wenn man eben genau sein will muss man die "Ausnahmen" auch erwähnen.



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