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Die ersten Schritte zu einem guten Projekt

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First of all , i am so sorry to write in English because my Deutsch still weak to write these details .

I started my Umschulung as FISI in July,2016 (virtual-class), and i have been told to start preparing ,reading ,gathering infos , about how a project is done in Deutschland.

I have  a simple background about the process , but it will be so kind and nice if you help me with more details  (HOW, WHERE, WHAT) :

How to start to choosing a topic for my project.

Where : i dont know exactly which should be the first step , and WHAT: is the logical process of writing a project according to IHK.

i know that there is an Antrag  first , but have no more details.


i will be thankful andyour help will be appreciated and considerd seriously.


Thanks in advance

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Generally you will get an official letter from your IHK over the post. The process can differing from IHK to IHK but in most cases the IHK will provide a specific website with individual login data for each applicant where the application can be filled and send to the IHK over the web. Maybe we can help a bit more if you let us know wich IHK is responsible for your examination, because sometimes the whole process is described on the website from the IHK.

For getting an idea about how a application could looks like you can read some from others in the forum.

Overall i think the application form will just starts making sense for you when you know the requirements from your IHK. And a good topic for your project is always dependent on real needs from your "Praktikumsbetrieb" - you cant figure this out only by yourself.

I also agree with @MartinSt , the term "virtual class" is confusing. Maybe you can provide some more information on that term.

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A "virtual class" is a virtual classroom in what you can take part on online Training and no physical presence Training like normally for example in the vocational school, sometimes only presence is needed for exams and sometimes you even take part on this exams online. Is this correct?

Sorry for my candiness, but how can someone get an occupational re-training, if the person has such problems with the official language spoken in that Country like you say from yourself? I think in this case the person should first get some language training courses to reach at least B2 Level and after that start with the occupational re-training to be able to follow the class without Problems. In other cases the person may have really problems to write the project documentation and the proposal for it for the IHK. All students have some Problems with this - even if they write in their native language, but if you also have the problem with the official language, it can be really claiming.

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