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Hi people,

Pelease allow me use English here, I am non-EU and finished an Master degree in Germany this year. I recently got my first formal job in Berlin as Business Analyst and I will finish my probationary next month. My German is poor but this company doesn't require German language and half of my college are non-German speaker.

So far everthing is good, not heavy workload, my boss is happy with my work. I start with a relative low salary (39k) and I would like to adjust my salary after my probation, my expectation would be around 44k. I would like to hear your advice :) 

Age: 26

Place of residence: Berlin

Last training qualification: None

work experience: 0 yaer

Previous education: Master Degree in Statistics (GPA 1.6)

workplace: Berlin

Company Size:  ~180 

tariff: none

Company branch: Internet industry, logistics industry

Working hours per week according to the contract: 40h

Actual working hours per week: 40h

Total annual income: 39k

Monthly salary: 3250

Days off: 28

Special/Social Welfare: none

Variable proportion of wages: none

responsibility: Data visilization & analyzing, Maintain KPIs, create reports for all departments, model building (SQL,Tableau, Salesforce, Github, a little bit Python). 



I can say that it is a really low salary for a Master degree. If you add the vacation time, I would look for another job in your case. Many Master Graduates are starting with 48k-55k.

Your salary would be a bad start for Bachelors, too. 


@SaJu I agree, the salary is bad. Then again for the field he's in (logistics) that should be an ok salary, as logistics doesn't pay very well. Adding to the mix is his inability to speak german, which a lot of smaller companys would have an issue with. I personally don't know about any big companys in Germany where the "work language" is english, rather than german.

So Maybe start looking for some german firms that are hiring in english?

vor 4 Minuten schrieb Bitschnipser:

@SaJu I agree, the salary is bad. Then again for the field he's in (logistics) that should be an ok salary, as logistics doesn't pay very well. Adding to the mix is his inability to speak german, which a lot of smaller companys would have an issue with. I personally don't know about any big companys in Germany where the "work language" is english, rather than german.

So Maybe start looking for some german firms that are hiring in english?

Thanks for your advice. My company is a typical Berlin Startup, something like O2O platform. Consider my situation, I will try to negotiate from 45k and try new chances as well :)


English language is a requirement in many large companies. And large companies are well known for nice salaries. You can receive courses for learning German there, too. 

English is used in startups as a second option. But they don't pay on the same level as global players. 

vor 10 Stunden schrieb OLG:

company is a typical Berlin Startup

vor 10 Stunden schrieb OLG:

Company branch: Internet industry

vor 10 Stunden schrieb OLG:

this company doesn't require German language

All this causes that I am NOT astonished about a low wage.


Berlin is full of jobs with your skills and you could easily find a job for 20% more. A "start up" with 180 employees has enough money to pay proper salaries. The deal for a real start up is usually low salary but you get stocks. However this is your first job ... therefore I would ask for more as you described and if it is a "no" then start looking somewhere else and leave after another 6 months to have at least 1 year experience.


Even for Berlin this seems to be a bit low. Like bigvic mentioned, I would try to get a raise.


vor 11 Stunden schrieb SaJu:

English language is a requirement in many large companies. And large companies are well known for nice salaries. You can receive courses for learning German there, too. 

Most large German Companies however look for German speakers, since a lot of employees there might not be able to speak English/working language is German.
For foreign Companies like Amazon or google your point is valid.

vor 12 Stunden schrieb SaJu:

I can say that it is a really low salary for a Master degree.

While this is true, the salary depends on the work, so i would agree that the overall salary is not good, however if the person does not really stuff where a master is needed, the pay will not be that great anyway.

For those "Data jobs" that can be anything from copy and paste numbers into power point and excel what basically anyone could do or really statistic and math heavy where you crunch numbers.
Normally Data analyst is the first type of job where data scientist is the later one.

Dunno what the OP is doing.

vor 5 Stunden schrieb Graustein:

即使对于柏林来说,这似乎也有点低。就像 bigvic 提到的那样,我会尝试加薪。





不知道 OP 在做什么。

I would say my job is not simply copy & paste numbers but codes xD. I mean at least I do write SQL codes and some simple ETL tasks.

vor 5 Stunden schrieb allesweg:

StartUp & 180 employees?

No german language required? In which language the contract is written?

Where is the company headquater?




the contract is written is English & German
HQ in Mitte

And yes 180 employees and we are still startup (I guess?


First of all - I dont have any further advice for you.


Am 28.6.2021 um 08:35 schrieb Graustein:

Most large German Companies however look for German speakers, since a lot of employees there might not be able to speak English/working language is German.

For foreign Companies like Amazon or google your point is valid.


At least I can confirm this expectations. I would recommend to advance your German and get a B1 certificate (or similar) to proove your language skills.

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